SPEC MIX LR Mortar is a dry factory blended lime replacement mortar mix formulated for superior bond, water retention, board life and efflorescence protection. Available in Type S or M.
Uses: LR Mortar is formulated for the installation of CMU, brick and stone applications where high mortar workability and board life is required for good bond.
SPEC MIX LR Mortar Plus has higher water-repellent properties and efflorescence control additives. Available in Type S or M.
SPEC MIX LR Mortar HAB (High Absorption Brick) is especially formulated for high absorption bricks and masonry units. High suction bricks require a mortar with high water retention. Available in Type S.
Each designation meets ASTM C270 property specification and ASTM C1714.
- Quality control - a consistent batch every time.
- Convenience of handling and transporting one product.
- Excellent for multi-story and difficult-access jobs.
- Consistent color quality.